
The tooth extractions may require when they are decayed and broken down to the point that fillings and a root canal treatment can’t save them. Other indications can include teeth that are affected by severe gum and bone disease. These teeth are often loose and cause a lot of pain and discomfort, or when they are in a problematic position in the jaw and require removal to create space. If you are experiencing extreme pain that wakes you up at night, notice swelling around a tooth, or a loose and tender tooth, or have noticed a very large cavity, these are signs and symptoms that the tooth may be dying and as such requires either root canal therapy or removal. it is very important to inform the dentist of your complete medical history as it may play a critical role in ensuring you are safe during an extraction.

Tooth extractions are a common dental procedure that requires the area to be numbed up with a local anesthetic, the area is checked to ensure that the patient can not feel any pain. The tooth is then removed from the jaw either completely or by dividing it into smaller sections to ensure healing is optimal and complications are reduced. The dentist will provide a script for pain relief medications as requires, with instructions to have some ice packs on hand to help reduce any possible swelling, some extra cotton gauze to help minimize any bleeding (a small amount of bleeding is expected) and advice for soft diet and salt water rinse starting the following day. Important activities to avoid after dental extraction are physical exercise or hard labor, smoking, and drinking. Recovery from tooth extractions will take anywhere from a few days to two weeks, Following extractions, many options are available for replacing missing teeth and restoring function and aesthetics – including implants, bridges, and dentures.

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